Avril McGrath

Avril’s first contact with BCM NI was when she began attending Joan McKinstry’s Bible Club at the age of 8. She also got involved BCM camps in Cushendall, Castlerock, and then Mullartown after it was purchased in 1978. Avril even found herself down at Mullartown for “work weekends” – painting!

In her late teens and twenties Avril was a leader at Joan’s Bible Club, and also a volunteer at a number of camps.

Later in her twenties Avril joined the Board of Directors and has played a key role in the governance of BCM NI ever since, particularly in the areas of finance and Child Protection.

Avril McGrath

Avril McGrath

Board Member: Finance + CP

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41 Seymour Street, Lisburn, BT27 4SY
+44 (0) 2892 603 864

Mullartown House

159 Glassdrumman Road, Annalong, BT34 4QL
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