Volunteer Application Form

Volunteer Application Form

Thank you for considering volunteering with us!

This form is for those who wish to volunteer for our camp ministry at Mullartown House, a Hello Life team or at a weekly Bible Club/Discipleship Group.

You must be at least 16 in order to apply to be a BCM NI volunteer.

We recommend saving your form and reviewing it before hitting the Send to us button. You should receive a copy of your completed application form after you send it off.


On submission of your application form, emails will automatically be sent to your referees requesting references so please ensure that you enter the correct email address, and have asked them if they are willing to provide a reference, before submitting your form.

An offer of a volunteering position with BCM International NI will be made based on your application form, your references, an Access NI check, and whether there are vacancies in the ministry to which you’ve applied.

For Summer Camps/Hello Life/Mullartown Weekend:

Please note that prior to submission you will be asked to submit the relevant fee by way of a card payment ie £27.50 for a weekend, or £55.00 per week of camp/week of Hello Life.

Please be prepared to enter your payment details when you get to this point in the form. Payment does not guarantee your place, however, if for any reason your application is not accepted any fee paid will be refunded.

Roles and Responsibilities

To share the Word of God with children and teenagers.

To meet the basic needs of those we work with and monitor their well-being at all times.

To treat all children and teenagers with love, sensitivity and dignity.

To get involved, and encourage children and teenagers to do likewise.

To listen to, respect and follow the instructions of the Team Leader/Programme Director in charge.

To practice the godly principles found in God’s Word.

Attend all applicable planning meetings and training events.

Come prepared spiritually, physically and mentally.

To work within the Child Protection Guidelines of BCM eg watch out for bullying, loneliness and vulnerability.

To complete any other reasonable task requested of you.

Code of Conduct

We expect volunteers to seek in all ways to be Christ-like in their attitude, conduct and speech by:

Honouring other volunteers in how you speak to each other, or about each other, and how you act towards each other.

Not allowing phones to be a distraction when working with children.

Dressing in a way that would positively promote BCM values of modesty and decorum.

Maintaining the highest standard of confidentiality and sharing sensitive information only with those who have a need to know.

As a continuous volunteer you do not need to complete Step 4, please click Next to proceed to the next step.

Please describe your current involvement in:

As a returning/continuous volunteer you are not required to complete Step 5, please press Next to proceed to Step 6.

Each summer BCM NI runs a Mentorship Programme for our volunteers. Click below to find out if it’s something you would enjoy! Then choose your preference below:

Find out more about Mentorship

Please give the details of a leader from your church (Elder/Youth Leader/Pastor/Minister) who is not a family member or friend and who is not connected with BCM who can provide a reference for you.

Please give the details of two referees who are not family or friends and who are not connected with BCM (one must be a leader from your church ie Elder/Youth Leader/Pastor/Minister).

Please provide full details including a VALID email address and ensure the person is aware that you are naming them as a referee.

Data Protection:

BCM International NI holds your personal information to support the recruitment and selection process of our volunteers and to ensure the safeguarding and wellbeing of participants and volunteers.
We will:

  • Never sell your personal information,
  • Never share your information with third parties for their own purposes, unless required for statutory obligations,
  • Have adequate security measures to ensure your personal information is protected,
  • Make your information available for correction and, if you request, remove your personal information from our database.


We will share the details of your application form with your BCM Team Leader and, in the case of Camp, the Camp Directors. Aside from this only administrative staff will have access to your information.


  • I have completed all sections of this form accurately and to the best of my knowledge.
  • I am happy and willing to serve my Lord God wholeheartedly and willing to work as part of a team under the authority of my BCM Team Leader(s).
  • I understand that BCM’s training for summer work is compulsory and I undertake to attend the required training and planning meetings.
  • I agree to work within the ethos of BCM as set out in its doctrinal statement and core values.

Doctrinal Statement & Core Values

This application form must be completed by anyone wishing to volunteer with BCM NI. When you submit your application form you will be asked to confirm your agreement with our Ethos Statement.

If your application is successful you will be asked to complete an Access NI police check form. A criminal record will not necessarily bar you from volunteering with us. The Access NI Code of Practice is available by clicking here. BCM has policies on the recruitment of ex-offenders and on the secure handling, storage and retention of disclosure information, both of which are available on request.

Failure to submit the necessary forms and payment will result in withdrawal from our volunteering programme.

Volunteer fee: if hoping to attend more than one week then please adjust ‘Quantity’ to reflect number of weeks you are applying for.

No payment items has been selected yet

Please note after sending the form to us you will be directed to the payment screens. Please ensure you fulfill the payment process at this stage. If for any reason payment is not received with your form we will send you a further payment request.

As already stated payment does not guarantee your place. If for any reason your application is not accepted any payment made will be refunded.


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41 Seymour Street, Lisburn, BT27 4SY
+44 (0) 2892 603 864

Mullartown House

159 Glassdrumman Road, Annalong, BT34 4QL
© 2024 BCMNI. All rights reserved.