Who We Are

Our vision: 

That more and more children would come to know, love and obey God.

The 4-14 Window is defined as that window of opportunity between the ages of four to fourteen when more than 85% of Christians make their decision to follow Christ. With more than 2 billion children falling into this category and almost half the world’s population under 21, BCM International has made this strategic 4-14 Window the central focus of its ministry since beginning as the Bible Club Movement in 1936. All around the world BCM is committed to partnering with local churches to reach children for Christ and disciple them in God’s Word.


BCM International was founded in 1936 as the Bible Club Movement when a returning American missionary, Miss Bessie Traber, listened to the pleading of Philadelphia youth, in the USA, to give them Bible clubs like those she had organised in the Philippines. Over the next decades the Bible Club Movement spread into Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa. BCM Northern Ireland was formed in 1948.

As children’s ministries in Northern Ireland expanded, so did the vision for a children’s camp.
In 1978, under the direction of Tom and Joan McKinstry, Mullartown House was founded as BCM’s own campsite. Over the years, thousands of children have come under the ministry of the Gospel there.

BCM modified its name to reflect its ever-widening focus. Today Bible Centred Ministries (BCM) International has more than 700 missionaries representing five different continents serving in more than 50 countries around the world. As well as Bible Clubs and camps, BCM around the world is involved in church planting and disaster relief.

Board of Directors


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41 Seymour Street, Lisburn, BT27 4SY
+44 (0) 2892 603 864

Mullartown House

159 Glassdrumman Road, Annalong, BT34 4QL
© 2024 BCMNI. All rights reserved.